Bio-Hack Your Body To Burn Fat Faster!*
Trigger Fat Burn And Fuel Your Brain By Way Of Ketosis*

KetoPerk™ butter coffee is the ultimate way to help support a low-carb, ketogenic lifestyle. KetoPerk includes Columbian Arabica coffee, grass-fed organic butter, MCT oil, collagen, and Celtic sea salt that combine to synergistically help:
What Is Ketosis?
On a high fat, low carbohydrate, adequate protein diet (ketogenic), ketones are produced in the liver from fat and then used as fuel for the body and brain. This process where ketones are produced is known as ketosis. While on a ketogenic diet your body’s fuel supply is almost entirely from fat, increasing fat burning dramatically.
Key Ingredients And Benefits
Manufactured in a facility that adheres to the FDA’s Current Good Manufacturing Practices for Dietary Supplements (cGMP), KetoPerk is certified to be free of 29 energy-robbing contaminants, such as mold toxins, that can be found in coffee.

MCT (Medium-chain triglycerides) contain fatty acids and are highly beneficial in calorie burning and also helps promote fat oxidation and a reduced in food intake. These fatty acids are quickly digested in the body and are not stored as fat. MCTs also help with protein metabolism and promote ketosis.

Grass-Fed Butter
Saturated fat and cholesterol in the diet have been shown to help reduce inflammation and prevent heart disease. Butter from grass-fed cows contains a much higher level of Omega-3 fatty acids as well as Vitamin K2 (which may have arterial benefits such as calcification reduction and lower blood pressure).

Collagen makes up approximately 25%-35% of the protein in our body. Hydrolyzed collagen converts into amino acids which are the building blocks for calorie-burning muscle tissue. Collagen also aids joint and bone health and enhances skin, hair, and nails.

Celtic Sea Salt
Celtic sea salt is a minimally refined salt that retains many of the trace minerals as opposed to other salts. This salt contains many of the electrolytes our body needs such as sodium, magnesium, calcium, and potassium which help promote a healthy ketogenic lifestyle.

No Artificial Ingredients
Contains no artificial ingredients, sweeteners or colors. Non-GMO and gluten-free.
Healthy Fats
Contains healthy fatty acids from organic grass-fed butter and MCT oil which could lower your risk of heart disease.
No Blender Needed
Doesn't require a blender.Just mix one scoop with 6-8 ounces of hot water.
Start Your Day With KetoPerk
Start your day off with a healthy, easy to prepare cup of KetoPerk. Facilitate ketosis and bio-hack your body to burn fat faster!*
$55.00 + tax & shipping